Do you want to get rid of leaves and branches after the season? Don't burn them or you'll get a ticket!
Autumn is, among other things, a time to clean up gardens and allotments. Falling leaves need to be raked up, dry branches collected and somehow all of this needs to be removed from the property. Many people have one way to do this - burning.
And here's a note - we warn you! Burning leaves and branches can not only be dangerous and lead to accidental fire, but it is also prohibited by law!
The ban on burning leaves on plots is regulated, among others, by: Waste Act, specifically Art. 30, which states that "waste processing (including incineration) outside installations or devices intended for this purpose is prohibited."
Since we are all currently obliged to segregate waste, and municipalities are obliged to collect waste selectively, this means in practice that you cannot burn leaves and branches on your plots.
Moreover, the burning of plant waste is also prohibited by Art. 144 of the Civil Code, ordering "to refrain from activities that would interfere with the use of neighboring properties beyond the average resulting from the socio-economic purpose of the property and local relations." Therefore, the burning of plant waste, which causes smoke nuisance to the owners of neighboring properties, constitutes a violation of this article.
What are the penalties for breaking the rule?
Penalty fine of PLN 500.
You must also know that burning leaves and branches in allotment gardens is additionally prohibited by the ROD regulations adopted by the National Council of the Polish Association of Allotment Gardeners.
So what to do with the remaining leaves and branches?
You can deliver the waste to the local PSZOK, i.e. the Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point. PSZOKs can be found in every commune. Most municipalities also organize green waste collection.
The leaves can also be used to cover plants in winter - this will protect them against frost. If you have your own composter, you can also feed it with leaves.
You can use dry branches to burn in a bonfire organized for recreational purposes. Just remember to follow the safety rules!
It is forbidden to light a fire:
- near flammable materials;
- at a distance of less than 4 m from the border of the neighboring plot;
- at a distance of less than 10 m from the place of threshing and flammable agricultural produce;
- at a distance less than 100 m from the forest line
If you are already lighting a fire, remember to have a fire extinguisher or extinguishing spray.